12月8日 (水) 16時00分から、前澤が搭乗するソユーズロケット打ち上げの瞬間を生中継で配信いたします!



福澤朗 / 馬場典子 / ジャルジャル / 村上佳菜子 / 山崎直子

塩地美澄 / 横溝直輝


MZ is finally heading off to space!!
Witness this monumental event live on this channel on Wednesday 8th Dec from 16:00 JST.

On this channel, we have shared footages of MZ going through a lot of emotions during his training in Russia, hoping to make his childhood dream of going to space come true.

The time has finally come for MZ to fly to the ISS (International Space Station).
We will be broadcasting live from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan where the launch will be held.
Join us here to see this incredible moment!

We also have these wonderful people also excited for the launch!

[From Tokyo]
Akira Fukuzawa, Noriko Baba, Jarujaru, Kanako Murakami and Naoko Yamazaki will be supporting and cheering MZ on from Tokyo!

[From Baikonur]
Misumi Shiochi and Naoki Yokomizo will be reporting from Baikonur Cosmodrome!

Commander Alexander Misurkin, who will be in control of the Soyuz rocket, and Yozo Hirano, who you would usually know as ‘the voice behind the camera’, will be joining MZ on this amazing mission.
Let’s all get together and celebrate this new milestone for space travel!

#前澤友作 #前澤宇宙旅行 #ソユーズロケット #ISS


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