5 Unidentified Objects Pass by Orion’s Nebula

Orion’s Nebula UFO 5 UFOs pass by Orion’s Belt going behind the Nebula NASA https://g.co/kgs/ZGa3ep https://youtube.com/c/WhiteBatAudio Follow I was on Twitter Facebook and Discord at nocturnal news source

Dr. Sebi: The Herbalist Who Cured Cancer & Was Poisoned in Prison For It

✨ Elevate your style with this incredible collection! 👉 https://ANCESTRA.shop Go to https://expressvpn.com/UniverseInsideYou and find out how you can get 3 months of ExpressVPN free! Dr. Sebi, a holistic healer, and herbalist, who discovered a natural cure for AIDS, Cancer, and all sorts of diseases, was ridiculed, sued, and eventually thrown in prison, where he […]

Tictac Over Hualien Liyu Lake, Taiwan Dec 12, 2021, UFO Sighting News.

Hualien Liyu Lake Live Cam-花蓮鯉魚潭即時影像 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlxWDwTUtxg Hualien Liyu Lake Live Cam 鯉魚潭位於壽豐鄉池南村鯉魚山腳下,因東傍鯉魚山而被命名為鯉魚潭。鯉魚潭可分潭南、潭北,潭北附近有銅門慕谷慕魚、翡翠谷,潭南則鄰近池南森林遊樂園區等景點,是花蓮熱門的風景區,有著環潭步道、森林步道、露營等多元化遊憩活動。每逢假日來臨時,是在地人郊遊野餐、踏青的好地方,一到了螢火蟲繁殖季節,點點螢光照亮漆黑的鯉魚潭,吸引著學校、家庭、遊客們來這兒參加一場生態旅遊。 花東縱谷國家風景管理處 花蓮鯉魚潭即時影像 source

Tom Brady and Jim Gray Ask Sadhguru About Balance | Sadhguru #shorts #sadhguru

#Sadhguru Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times. —————————————- ‘Karma: A Yogi’s Guide to Crafting Destiny.’ – A book by Sadhguru The New York […]

Why is there such disorder in the world? | J. Krishnamurti

SUBTITLES AVAILABLE IN: ENGLISH Why is there such disorder in the world? Extract from the fifth conversation with Allan W. Anderson in San Diego, 1974. — This channel is managed by the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust​​, UK​, and by the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. The role of the foundations was described by Krishnamurti when he said,​ […]

宇宙に着いた前澤から、みなさんへ伝えたいこと。 What MZ Wants to Tell You From Space

12月8日についに!念願の!ISS(国際宇宙ステーション)に到着しました!! 宇宙からの記念すべき第1本目の動画は、初めて自分の目で宇宙を見た前澤からのメッセージです。 夢を叶えるために頑張るみなさんの力に、少しでもなればいいなと願っています。 そして、12日間に及ぶ宇宙旅行期間中は、みなさんからいただいた「前澤に宇宙でやってほしい100のこと」の中から 日々さまざまなことにチャレンジし、その様子を撮影・ご紹介していければと思います。 随時YouTubeで発信していきますのでお楽しみに! Finally…! MZ successfully arrived at the ISS (international Space Station) on the 8th Dec!! The very first video MZ wishes to share with you is a message from himself after witnessing space for the first time with his very own eyes. To those who are working hard to achieve […]

UFO Over Las Vegas, Nevada Nov 13, 2021, UFO Sighting News.

Eyewitness states: I don’t know what to say it was above the mountain and I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to be that close. There’s nothing that close ever flying by the mountains and if it was a rescue then who where they rescuing? source